PSA air separation - process description

The Nitrogen-Pressure-Swing-Adsorption (PSA)-System consists of two carbon molecular sieves (CMS), each one embedded in an aluminium column.

Pre-treated pressurized air enters the first, “active?? column at the bottom and passes the CMS. Oxygen and other trace gases are preferentially adsorbed at the CMS, as the oxygen molecules fit into the pores of it, whereas the nitrogen passes the sieve.

After a preset time, when the active sieve reaches its capacity, the generator switches from the first to the second column, and the first one enters a regeneration process, while the second one continues the air separation, so that there is a constant flow of pure nitrogen.

The first, saturated CMS is regenerated by a fast reduction of the pressure in the column, so that the absorbed gas is released, so that it can be removed from the column. Afterwards the first column is ready for use, when the second one reaches is capacity.
The constant alternation between the two columns gave the technology the name Pressure-Swing-Adsorption (PSA).

The difference of the CMS to standard activated carbon is its pore size, which allows only oxygen and other trace gases to enter the pores. Bigger molecules, like in our case nitrogen, are excluded from entering the pores. This leads to a separation of the nitrogen from all other gas molecules in the air.

Gas quality: Depending on the request from 98% up to 99.999% (including further purification).

For very high requirements we offer special installations that produce nitrogen with a purity of 99%. Further purification leads to a gas quality of more than 99.999%. The benefits of this procedure are the high possible savings of energy and very small investment costs.

Gas generator
Carbon Molecular Sieves (CMS)
Scheme for the functional principle of the PSA-plant

Electrolysis - process description

Hydrogen (H2) and Oxygen (O2) are fully automaically produced via electrolysis of demineralized or distilled water (H2O).The gases are seperated and ready for use. The gas generator's production rate is flexible and depends on the amount the user consumes. Regelung, controling and monitoring (survey) is done by PLc-control. High reliability and easy maintenance are the characteristics of our gas generators. High safety is guaranteed because no gas bottles are needed, and so there is no danger of explosion.

Process Cycle

The generator produces hydrogen and oxygen gas separated from each other with a gas purity of higher than 99.5 %. Deionised (demineralised) or distilled water is split up into hydrogen and oxygen by High-Pressure Electrolysis (HPE) with state-of-the-art technology. Only water (electric conductance: 5µS/cm) and electric current are consumed. In a multi-cell arrangement the gases are generated and separated at the terminals (cathode: Hydrogen, anode: Oxygen). This gives the consumer the opportunity to use only one of the gases, either hydrogen or oxygen, but they can also be mixed together in every possible mixing ratio, e.g. for the use in a blowpipe for oxidizing, neutral or reducing flames, or for the use of hydrogen as an inert gas for heat treatment of metals or for the production process of semiconductors. The gas generation process is monitored and controlled by a PLC-device, which monitors the process and adapts the operation, according to the given parameters. Changes in the required amount of gas are automatically controlled by adjustment of the direct current in the cells. The current consumption is therefore directly proportional to the required amount of gas. The PLC-unit also monitors the liquid-level in the electrolytic cell via filling-level meter. If the minimum level is reached, deionised water is automatically pumped into the cell. The water is provided by a water treatment plant (reverse osmosis), that is connected the gas generator, and automatically started if needed. In case of failure an error is displayed, and if required, the process is automatically stopped. Example: If the gas consumption rate is set higher than possible for the gas generator, the generator stops automatically, if the rate is not reduced. The reason for the error is displayed on the screen. The status of the generator and all important parameters like gas pressure, temperature, fill level of the electrolyte, production output, etc. are also shown up-to-date on the display.

Gas purity up to 99.995%


Process Scheme of Water Electrolysis

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