The OSMODEMI Demineralizers combine the process of reverse osmosis with ion exchange demineralization, as final treatment. Using this combination we obtain an high-quality water (<1,0µS-cm).
Principle of the reverse-osmosis process:
Reverse osmosis is the process by which natural osmosis phenomenon is reversed from a lower to a higher concentration solution. By pressing salt-rich water through a semipermeable membrane, demineralized, pure, and perfectly sterile water is obtained with an extremely low salt percentage. By reverse osmosis, the water salt content is reduced by 96-98% on average, while up to 99% of organic material is removed. The outlet water passes a mixed-resins cartridge, which removes the residual saline contents. Water pretreatment may be required depending on the type of water supply to the unit.
This specific unit is fitted with an activated carbon cartridge dechlorinator, and a 5µ-filtration. After pre-filtering with 5µ-cartridge filter, the water flows through a pressure raising pump, before being sent to the osmotic modules.
A pressure switch blocking the operation when there is no incoming water is fitted on the pump intake.
The concentrate is sent to the drain thus allowing for constant washing of the membranes (this water, which also contains the salt removed from the permeate, can be employed otherwise).
Available performances of devices: 4 Liter/h up to 1600 Liter / h