Nitrogen Generators

The Nitrogen-Generator produces pure nitrogen by separation of compressed air, using PSA technology (Pressure-Swing-Adsorption). The applications for Nitrogen-Generators are manifold like reflow soldering, metallurgic processes, brazing, welding, heat treatment, Laser cutting and many others. Besides these "classical" applications in metal related industries, nitrogen also plays an important role in other economic sectors, as well as it is widely-used as inert gas for research purposes. On our Applications Page, we have summarized possible areas of applications for nitrogen generators.


Table N1: Models Nitrogen Generators
Model Nitrogen [Nm3/h] residual oxygen content [%] Nitrogen [Nm3/h] residual oxygen content [%] ***
GN5 10 2 3.8 0.1  
GN10 20 2 7.6 0.1  
GN15 30 2 11.4 0.1  
GN20 40 2 15.2 0.1  
GN30 60 2 22.8 0.1  
GN40 80 2 30.4 0.1  
GN90 180 2 68.4 0.1  
GN150 299.2 2 114.0 0.1  
GN240 478.8 2 182.4 0.1  
GN300 598.5 2 228.0 0.1  
GN-DPM90/60 90 or 60 <5ppm     Dew point: -80°C

*** more details and special designs on request

Installations for nitrogen flows for more than 2.500 m3/h - special design on request
nitrogen purity up to 99.9995%

Compressed air supply

  • input pressure: 8 bar
  • ambient air temperature: 15°C


Generator-Datasheets (pdf-Datei)


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