Gas purification, recovery and reprocessing

keywords: gas purification, deoxidation, dehydration, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, zero air desc.: Equipment for purification (deoxidation) and dehydration of technical gases like Hydrogen, Nitrogen or mixed gases.

Equipment for purification, recovering and reprocessing. Deoxidation and dehydration of technical gases like Hydrogen, Nitrogen or mixed gases.

Energy saving because of the low consumption of regeneration gas (nitrogen), with the result of very high gas quality and purity.

  • Gas purity: > 99.9995%
  • residual oxygen content: < 2ppm
  • Dew point: -80°C

Performance of gas purification:
The equipment is constructed for gas flows from 5m3/h up to higher than 1.000m3/h.

  • Complete purification including DEOXO (catalyst) and drier (adsorption principle)
  • DEOXO to eliminate oxygen
  • Gas drier to eliminate moisture

Datasheets for our Gas Purifiers (pdf-file)

gas purification equipment

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